Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Coffee Makes Me A Better Person

Indeed, it really does. Coffee is responsible for many of my daily thought provoking and enlightened "aha" moments. Considering my love for communication, namely writing, is an equal joy, I figured why not join them together?

Coffee makes me clear; it gives me the energy to tackle the things floating around my mind and a lot of those things are worth sharing. I'd love to share in form of a published book down the line meanwhile, I'll share via Blogger.

What this will end up being is a daily or every other day combination of thoughts, comments, questions and such for you, the reader. The goal is hopefully to get different points-of-view and if I'm lucky a better understanding of some things I just can't quite put my finger on. All the while, I'll have my coffee.

Coffee is Bae.

Hopefully it's an enjoyable and educational experience for us all and if not, I'll go with the other idea I had: pictures of kittens doing random kitten things. If there's one thing I love is kittens doing random shit.

Anyway, welcome... Let's start with an easy icebreaker: I love Starbucks Café Verona. What is your favorite coffee?